Pink lady knits


Socktoberfest Question...

Lolly posted a new question for Socktoberfest. So, I took a swing at it:

Where have your handknit socks been? What is the furtherst they have traveled?
I find this question to be very appropriate, because I too, just bought Knitting on the Road by Nancy Bush. (I have to say Lolly, I am VERY excited to read transcripts from the interview. How cool is that!? Anyway, off track, I know.)
I just recetly began knitting socks, and so they haven't been far. I took my Mother-in-Law's socks from Baltimore to D.C. for a conference. They were able to see the sights, and enjoyed the trip. I brought my Mother's socks from Baltimore to Bermuda, where they languished in the sun (though they did not burn) and had a relaxing week. My socks spent the week in Berkely Springs, West Virginia at a cabin. They saw the completion of my Mesilla Sweater (as I did little else than knit that week) and lots and lots of trees.
I find that socks are the perfect thing to travel with as they inspire awe in all who see them (which makes it slightly less likely that the TSA will swipe them), they are compact and portable (making it easy to shove them into an overnight bag) and they are quick to knit (start one sock at the onset of a trip—finish the second on the way home.) Perfect knitting for travelers, which may explain why so many frequent travelers knit socks.
Some other cool, yet not-too-distant places my socks have been are: The drive-in theatre, my doctor's office (they love when I knit), the local library, the check-out line at my grocery store and many a local restaurant and bar. I have no shame about knitting in public, in fact, I relish it. But then, I haven't had a request quite like Lolly's yet!

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