Pink lady knits


The Christmas Rush...

Well folks, we're now officially in the Christmas rush! My top two items to finish by Christmas Day are my Dad's Scarf and VJ's Sweater.
They are both simple in theory, there should be no reason not to finish them. However, finding the time (and the correct time) is problematic.
My Dad's scarf will need to be finished in the next fe
w days because I'll need to ship it out with his other Christmas gift, which is an engraved compass from Red Envelope. My plan is to take this home tonight and just knit on it like Speedy Gonzales until it's complete and then start work on VJ's sweater.

1x1 Ribbing has never been so daunting!

As far as the sweater goes, I'm about 2/3 of the way through the front, and I am about to begin the sleeve and v-neck the rest of the front should fly by. However, after that I have both sleeves to complete...I'm toying with knitting them both at the same time, how does that work? You just cast them both onto a long enough circular with two balls of yarn?

Needless to say, I'm getting a little stressed about this project. It's moving along, and I can see how amazing it will look when I'm done, but I don't want to knit on it at home as it's a surprise for him...and I don't get knitting time at work! I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and knit it at home and not mention what I'm working on...cause he probably won't notice. Right?

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