Pink lady knits



Progress feels SO good!
Last night I met up with Peter and Shelley for a knit night at Teavolve. Sadly, we weren't there for a long time because there was a political event taking place (boo.) However, it was good fun to see them both and to see what they were working on. Peter is still in the learning phase (though he can cast on like a champ!) and Shelly had some beautiful Unst socks and a Gryffindor scarf. I got a few rows of the Bed Shrug done before we left and then I completed it at home. Let me tell you, the feeling I got when I cast off was something unlike the joy I've experienced with past projects...this was new. This shrug, though simple is the first large lace project I have completed...which is such an accomplishment. Last night I blocked it (that was more complicated than I expected it to be) and this morning I released it from the pins. It is BEAUTIFUL, even if I do say so myself. Here it is folded up and waiting to have the picot hems done tonight and tomorrow before my Mother in Law tries it on:

Also making progress is my Mom's yellow alpaca socks. These are a simple knit, though I tried out a new technique for them; garter stitch short row heels and toes. I really like them for this sock because it's going to be a pair for around the cushy heels and toes are a must. I apologize for the camera battery was dead and I wanted to test the new scanner anyway, so...

I am happy with the way they are coming out and there was just enough yarn. Whew. They are a fast knit as it is sport weight yarn and they are being knit on #3's.

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