Pink lady knits


Thank You!

Many thanks to all of you for your wonderful Short Row Heel suggestions! I tried three kinds and I now know what I am doing and I am much more comfortable with the concept of Short Row Heels!

I practiced with scrap yarn and larger needles.

1. Carrieoke suggested one with yarn overs and backwards yarn overs, which was fun to knit. However, I wasn't thrilled with how that came out - it was quite holey - maybe I just don't have the backwards yarn over "gift".
2. Chelsea suggested
this pattern from Knitty, but I couldn't master the P3TogTBL at all...
3. I then tried the
Universal Toe Up Sock formula from Knitty that Kate suggested (see the images below for my results) but the K3Tog side was so much cleaner than the P3TogTBL side. So, I moved on...
The K3Tog side.

The P3TogTBL side. At the end (on the left above) I changed to "P2tog, pass wrap over", which looked much better.

4. I finally made it over to Misocrafty on suggestion from Fabienne, and found the tutorial with photos very helpful. My results from that are below. While I am happy about the passing of the two wraps in her option, I still feel like the knit side has some holes.

The Right Side (K wrapped stitch, pass two wraps over.)

The Wrong Side. P wrapped stitch, pass two wraps over.

I don't know whether I should go for that, or do a hybrid of K3Tog on the RS and Purling the wrapped stitch and passing the wraps over. I do like the little nubbies from passing the stitches though, they look so decorative to me!
I tend to think that the most important thing about a heel is that it has no holes and that it is sturdy. Because of this, I gravitate towards the Universal pattern from Knitty. I still don't know what I am going to try, but I will be tinking my gusset decreases for the next hour, so I have time to think about it. At any rate, the next post from me will have a Short Row Heel in it, so...stay tuned!


BP said...

Have you tried the Sherman Heel?

BP said...

Also read this page for instructions for the 'encroachment' mentioned in the link above.