Pink lady knits


Temporarily offline

I'll be offline for a few days doing this. It's no biggie...but it's gotta be done to check on this.
However, I'm hoping to make it to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this weekend (maybe Saturday, probably Sunday, depending on how I feel) and hope to see some of you there...I know Lolly will be at the Ravelry meetup, anyone else going?


Lolly said...

I will definitely be thinking about you - best of luck with the surgery. I do hope to see you! if not at MDSW we should plan something else - we are neighbors :)

Jen said...

Hang in there and don't overdo it! Send me a text or something when you are going to the Sheep and Wool Festival; Matt and I would like to go if we can!

ekgheiy said...

Oh my. A friend of mine has that. Good luck on the procedure! Oh and say a stargazingly Helllooooo to your anesthesiologist for me - those guys are dreeeeamy! :) Hehehe...