Pink lady knits


Knitting Storm

This weekend there was a storm of knitting at my house. I had a ton of downtime, and filled it with miles of stockinette. It may seem boring, but when I feel like all I have is complicated projects on the needles, my brain requires miles of knit one row, purl the next (or better yet, knit in circles for days and days!)
I looked around this weekend and realized that the only projects I had at home were lace or colorwork. I wanted something a little more mindless, so I worked more on Glee for Katie. It's coming along really well, and looks perfectly fuzzy and comfy. I am concerned (as ever) about it being too big, because she's really too small to be real, but everyone who has seen it says it looks we'll see.

This is a bad image of the color, it's really almost black it's so charcoal. I'm pretty happy with how it's coming out, and I only have about 5 more inches total on the body, then I move on to the sleeves (which are only 4 rows of ribbing each!) and then the neckline. I'll need to buy some hook and eye closures at the store. I'm looking forward to calling Katie to tell her that it's complete.
Once I ran out of yarn, I ripped back the Coquette that I'd knit for her (it was, predictably, too big) and washed the yarn to get the kinks out of it. While it was drying, I didn't know what to I cast on for a vest. Leftovers, by Alison Hansel. It's a nice, simple knit, and utilizes all of the odd yards of worsted weight yarn that I have laying around the house. I think that the colors I chose work well, and I'm trying to break them up, without using any sort of we'll see.

The chocolate is nice, and should look good with jeans and a blue button down...which is pretty much how I plan to wear this. I can't wait until it's done, it looks nice and warm.
My husband is out of town until Thursday, and whenever he is gone, I take a break from the television. So I plan to snuggle up in my bed with the cats and knit. I will probably listen to music (since the silence when I'm home alone unnerves me) and may turn on the TV, though I'm trying not to.
I hope that this will be done this week...but while he's gone, I may take advantage of the silence to knit some of my more complicated projects; Irish Diamond, Juno Regina, and Endpaper.


Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't work so late you couldn't knit!

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